Media Projects

We are consulting producers for Julia Robert’s latest project based on our lives as investigators. We are not currently under contract with any network or producer.

The Paranormal Housewives were featured on the Ricki Lake Halloween episode, 2012; we were also all interviewed for the Travel Channel’s Ghost Stories on June 17th, 2010. The episode concentrates on the stories surrounding the ghost of a  doctor who can’t seem to leave the hospital. The episode aired on Saturday, October 23, 2010 but can be found online or on Time Warner’s “On Demand”.

Kirsten appeared on the Linda Vista episode of “Ghost Adventures”.

Marsha, Erin, Kimberly, Lizeth, Jennifer Storey and Kirsten were featured on CBS2 news Halloween night, 2011 at the James Rives Mansion in Downey. We were all interviewed by Stacey Butler.

Marsha conducted an interview with Playboy Radio on Sirius/XM (October 31, 2011).

We frequently appear on radio shows and are often interviewed around Halloween . . . but we would love to talk to you about our work and our passions during the rest of the year, too!!

  1. Erin says:

    My name is Erin Kracow Degl’Innocenti I am currently searching for a paranormal investigation team for a new reality show that investigates and researches haunted objects and angel sightings. I was wondering if this is something your team does, if you would be open to doing a show and do you have tape on your team in action?. please email me back at your earliest convenience. Thanks!

    • parawife says:

      Hi Erin, thank you so much for contacting us. We currently have a show in development with another producer/director and wouldn’t be able to commit at this time. However, please do keep us in mind for future projects. We would love to meet you and talk further when we complete our current project.

      Kirsten A. Thorne

      • Parafan says:

        What happened with your pilot? Will it air? Inquiring minds would love to know

      • parawife says:

        Hi Parafan!! Good news on that front. We are wrapping up filming for the pilot (or, better said, “sizzle reel”). The next step is for the producers/director to sell the show to a network. There are several interested networks. After a network picks up the show (which we all hope will happen soon!), they will order a certain number of episodes, and we start filming. There are a number of steps that we have to get through before anything airs . . . but I’ll update this page periodically with our progress on that front. Thanks for asking!

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  3. Richard Humphrey says:

    Hi Parawife….When I saw you did an investigation at Rancho Los Amigos hospital I went to your web site….Wow what a creepy place that was….I left a comment…I used to walk the halls as a child….I always felt someone was following me…it was full of polio patients and soldiers that were paralysed…they used to race the gurneys down the haaways for cigerettes…Keep up the good work!!!

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